Am I looking Through a glass window or into a looking glass?

B11301.jpg (9908 bytes)What is playing in the  movie in your mind!

Arro20e2.gif (1032 bytes) Perception [lesson 2] is the process of receiving information through our senses. We then make an interpretation and, often, that interpretation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

 Arro20e2.gif (1032 bytes)"self-fulfilling prophecy" [ lesson 15] is in the beginning a false definition of a situation occurs which evokes a conclusion that makes the originally false definition to appear true[1] because it is based upon  a habit of creating a certain picture in your mind.

Projection is not all bad, as it assists us in experiencing our way of reality. However, certain types of projections, can be harmful, such as imputing a person's motives.

Arro20e2.gif (1032 bytes)Situational attribution [lesson 4] is the process of projection whereby we attribute to situations reasons for  motives. Dispositional attribution is projection whereby we attribute to others character as reasons for their motives. Distrust  is often an example how projections can hinder, or destroy, a relationship. Self-disclosure is a process of giving feedback to others on how you are reacting to a situation which may increases your awareness of projection.

Leon Festinger's "Law of cognitive dissonance" provides an explanation for the precursor of projection.

When a motivational state exists which puts our beliefs, feelings, etc. in contradiction with our cognition, i.e., our conscious thoughts, we attempt, to justify, or explain them, in order to get them to appear consistent. [1]

How can I become aware of my projections? How about magnification for starters?

 Look closer at some of your projections and see if you can find the movie playing in your mind. Think of saying " no" when you really don't want to do something but you don't know why.  The next time the person asks you to do something, simply say "no"  and do not give her/him any explanation. Pay attention to your feelings, and your behavior.

Describe when this occurred. Describe with whom you did this activity. Be sure that you actually do this activity and do not just provide me a general comment about it.  What happens? What is really behind the mask of  your difficulty  in" saying no"? What have you learned about yourself regarding your projections and/ or introjections?

Helpful hints regarding discovering your projections.

You may be sure you are projecting anytime you use the following words:   all, never, and always. What are your underlying beliefs, or pictures of the mind,  that necessitate your use of these words? When you find that you have the same patterns happening  over and over in relationships, you can be certain that you are involved in projection.[2]

     1. George  Weinberg ,Dianne Rowe, The Projection Principle, New York, St .Martin Press,1988, pages.100-111
     2. Benjamin Wolman,  Dictionary of Behavioral, Science, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., p. 66

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