What is Psychosomatic Disease?

[ astronaut ]


Psychosomatic disease refers to a mind and body relationship. Somatogenic disease occurs when the mind increases the body's susceptibility to some disease causing microbes. Psychogenic disease is a disease associated with emotional stress which by itself  lowers the body's immune system. In lesson 12- 13 we studied various diseases in the mind/body connection.

What disease, or diseases, seem to have a clear mind/body connection and what disease, or disease, if any, seem to have little, or no, mind/body connection?

If you were a researcher, what research questions interest you?  

( Extra Credit ) Is every disease Psychosomatic?    Summarize the article and its importance to understanding the stress component. What do you think?  Support your answers with reasons and sources when possible.

 Search the Internet and you will find information such as this hyperlink to Time Magazine which highlights the Mind Body connection.

Email: rbrehm@msn.com  Telephone: Cell 206-930-4197.
Copyright © 1998  [Robert Brehm]. All rights reserved.

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