What is aerobic exercise?

70400.jpg (4474 bytes) What is aerobic exercise and how is it associated with reducing the stress response? Dr. Kenneth Cooper in a book titled, Aerobics, with Dr. Cooper shows a simple formula to calculate your target heart rate, i.e., the optimum heart rate that you should have when engaging in physical exercise for a period of twenty minutes. To calculate your target heart rate subtract your age in years from 220. Take 60-80 percent of that figure to calculate the aerobic ban of your target heart rate. For example, if you are 20, subtract 20-220 which is 200. Multiply 60% of 220 which equals 130 and multiply 80 of 200 which equals 160. Your target heart rate should be in the ban of 130-160 .i.e., that you should exercise for 20 minutes, three to five times a week, with a pulse rate  within that range in order for the exercise to be classified as aerobic. Try this out for one exercise period and email the results in order to receive the credit for this assignment

Keep a journal for your daily exercise and record your experience. You can receive one point per day for each aerobic page that you submit to your instructor.   Note if you find your day less stressful as a result of exercise. Be sure and take your pulse, at the beginning, during the exercise period, and at the end. Remember that your pulse, in order to be considered aerobic, should be in a range of not less than 60%, and not more than 80%, of your maximum pulse rate to qualify for aerobic exercise.. The formula below is a guideline, but only a stress treadmill test can determine your actual maximum heart rate. Consult a physician if you have any question about your physical condition before your exercise. [1][2]

Aerobic Pulse Range =220- (my age) x 80%-60% See text.

My Aerobic Journal Page


Type of Activity: Time: Duration:

Pulse Beginning:



1. Jerrold S. Greenberg, Comprehensive Stress Management, 8th, ed., Boston: McGraw-Hill,2002, pp. 210-222 
Seaward, Brian Luke  Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-being, 3rd ed., Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers,2002, pp. 474-486

Email  your answers to rbrehm@msn.com If you need additional assistance, or have questions you may also call 206-930-4197.

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