What are stress reduction techniques?
Stress can become destructive. It can turn into distress. It can gnaw away at you and sap your energy over the years. Some researchers think all stress is bad for you.[1] others state that stress in itself is always harmful. Dr. Brian Seaward, the term neustress to refer to the stressors that have no consequential effect upon you. [2]
This next part of the course will focus on the application of various "stress reduction" techniques that seem to work regardless of your definition of stress. This "special-effect" hypothesis was first put forth by Herbert Benson[3].
Various "stress reduction" strategies introduced in the next few lessons are as follows:, Breath Counting, the Relaxation Response, Autogenic Training, Progressive Relaxation, and Imagery.
What stress reduction strategies have you found most helpful in the course lessons? The following are a few of some of those strategies: Holmes-Rahe Scale, Categorization of stressors, Journals, Perception Intervention Strategy, reinforcement schedules, ABCDE technique, use of humor, and the Biodot.
What have been least helpful? Be sure and provide examples and explain your reasoning.
1. Phil Nuernberger, Freedom
from Stress, Honesdale, Pennsylvania; Himalayan International
Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, 1981
2. Brian Luke Seaward
Managing Stress:
Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-being, 3rd ed., Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2002, p.6
3. Herbert Benson,
The Relaxation Response New
York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.1975
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Copyright © 1998 [Robert Brehm]. All rights reserved.